We use our unique process of extraction to write a full book for you (up to 150 pages) explaining your unique process, sharing your expertise, and chronicling your professional (or personal) legacy. We also include all design, formatting, and editing services.

Your book will be distributed in print and/or ebook form to 40k+ retailers in over 200 countries worldwide. We’ll set up the distribution tools for you, and once that’s complete, you’ll have control over the distribution management, rights, and royalties to your book.


We use our unique process of extraction to write a full book for you (up to 150 pages) explaining your unique process, sharing your expertise, and chronicling your professional (or personal) legacy. We also include all design, formatting, and editing services.

Your book will be distributed in print and/or ebook form to 40k+ retailers in over 200 countries worldwide. We’ll set up the distribution tools for you, and once that’s complete, you’ll have control over the distribution management, rights, and royalties to your book.

Like what you see? Then get in contact with us by clicking the button below, and let’s start this new chapter with R&R today!

Like what you see? Then get in contact with us by clicking the button below, and let’s start this new chapter with R&R today!

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